G'Day Maties!

Here I am with another yarn to share.  This one is about our visit to a Highland Gathering, and I call it: 

This happened before I was born, when my Great, Great Aunty Carla and my Great, Great Cousin Lisa were both alive.

They often accompanied Audie to these gatherings, which were really 'Celtic Gatherings' because they included Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Cornish attractions and stalls.

They would wear their Irish tartan caps and scarves and people would stop to take photos and videos of them. They even got their picture in the newspaper on one occasion.  My Great, great Aunt and Cousin were FAMOUS!

CARLA - in Tara tartan
LISA - in St. Patrick tartan
 Together they would sit and watch the Highland and Irish Dancing competitions, then go for a stroll to look at all the fancy stalls that sold all kinds of Celtic things. Later, they'd stop to buy some of the national food and get some liquid refreshment.

My Great, Great Aunty Carla told me it was, in her words, "Oooooh, such FUN!"

The main event was the big Pipe Band Competition in which Pipe Bands from all over Queensland took part. Their special favourite was the Irish Association Pipe Band - naturally  - and they had been the winners the year before, so Carla and Lisa were hoping they might win it again.

Audie and  Carla and Lisa were waiting for it to arrive so they could cheer it on! They watched for their favourite band to come marching proudly down the street to the park entrance, their green kilts swinging to the beat of the drums and thrilling sound of the pipes.

Audie stood well back, as she did not want the dogs to get too close to the massed bands, but LISA had OTHER ideas!   (I'm told that Cousin Lisa was a bit of a scallywag!)
Suddenly, and before the bands were even in sight, Lisa jumped to her feet and let out an excited whimper. (Obviously her keen hearing had picked up the sound of their approach.)

Sure enough, just coming around the bend there appeared the swirling green kilts of last year's winners, The Irish Association's Pipe Band,
proudly leading the Massed bands and playing THE WEARING OF THE GREEN.

                                Carla and Lisa's hearts swelled with pride!

Lisa barked and squealed with delight and took off like a rocket after the band, dragging poor Audie and Carla behind her!

Across the grounds, over rugs and picnic baskets, through the crowd and down the driveway she flew, with Audie and Carla in tow!
(Audie wondered how she managed to stay on her feet, which hardly had a chance to touch the ground, and Carla hadn't moved this fast since the day she chased the neighbour's cat out of the yard!)

Once level with the Irish Band, Lisa slowed to a dignified trot, and marched alongside the Drum Major, looking up at him with undisguised admiration the whole time.

He was quite amused and when the Bands halted and were dismissed, he reached down with a friendly hand and stroked Lisa's head, then Carla's too.

Audie regained her breath and began to apologize, saying awkwardly and with a chuckle of embarrassment, "I think she wants to join the Band!"

The tall Drum Major fondled Lisa's silky ears and replied in a soft lilting voice which betrayed an unmistakable Irish accent, "Well now, - if she can play the drums, - we'll have her, to be sure!"

I'm sure that Lisa would have been only too happy to demonstrate her talents, but Audie had other plans. She gave the kind Irishman a warm smile and wished him luck in the competition, then she headed back to one of the refreshment stalls and bought a much needed cold drink! (of course, Carla and Lisa had some too!)

So there it was, Lisa's Highland Fling, one of my favourite stories, told to me by my dear Great, Great Aunty Carla.

This is the picture that went in the Newspaper
Stone the Crows, it's been a hectic time for members of The Brisbane Gang!

My little sister, Caelan, decided that she wanted to see the world, so she took off for those 'romantic, far-away places' on January 21st, 2004, and we had a terrible time trying to get the little devil back!

Anyway, we DID, and she's here now and wants to tell HER story HER way, and in HER words, so I'll hand over to HER!  (Sisters! Oh boy!!!)

G'Day Everybody! My name's Caelan and I'm the youngest member of the Brisbane Gang, and I'm told I'm also the naughtiest!  (But don't you believe a word of that!)  I'm actually the smartest coz I'm the only one who was ever clever enough to escape and go on an adventure to see the world!  I've been 'on the road, man'. I'm a seasoned traveller and explorer extraordinaire!

I have dodged cars on four lane highways, weathered violent thunder storms with trees crashing around me, and I've escaped from would-be-dog-nappers TWICE.  I'm your Wheaten equivalent of the famous HOUDINI!

Even at the finish they only caught me because they resorted to unsportsman-like tactics, in bringing my brother Liam onto the scene to lure and entice me from my camp site.  (Humans can be so DEVIOUS!)

I had actually been making plans to explore the bush, like Crocodile Dundee. It occurred to me that I could then write my memoirs, and maybe sell my story to the Press. You know, - a really catchy heading like........


                                                       or - -


 I could picture the headlines, - hear the reporters interviewing me on TV and radio, and hear all those  dollar coins jingling in my toy box!  Oh yeah!

Well, at least I can tell my story here. People from all over the world will read about my brave and courageous exploits; - barking ferociously at the thunder; - wading up to my knees through drains and creeks flooded from the storms; - dodging falling trees; - escaping from humans trying to catch me for some dreadful intention; - doing battle with deadly snakes and toads and, and, --- well, maybe not crocodiles, but I'm sure there were other wild and feral animals out there ready to get me!

I whipped out of my captors car windows, and dug under their fences, just like in that movie, THE GREAT ESCAPE, - so I reckon I'll hit the headlines big time as the WHEATEN WONDERDOG!  Oh YEAH!

If not, well, I had fun while it lasted.  But you know what? It's sure good to be back home, cuddling up on Audie's lap on her bed, and getting hugs and kisses again, and having Liam and Colleen to pamper me.

                      As all the greatest travellers say:  THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

Copyright - A P 2008-2009
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Ready for falling trees!
On Safari
Dogged  Determination, Mate!

(Whom I have only met in Spirit - especially the first day I jumped in 'her' chair!)
My favourite portrait of COUSIN LISA
7th May 1989 - 13th June 1999
Here's a story from 2004